
Apple Store, BELKIN's Magsafe charger "Boost ↑ Charge Pro Portable Wireless Charger Pad with Magsafe Special Edition" is now available (STORE limited)

By mobilephones 02/11/2022 615 Views

The Apple Store has launched the Belkin standing Magsafe charger "Boost ↑ Charge Pro Portable Wireless Charger Pad with Magsafe Special Edition" for 6,800 yen.(STORE Limited) It is possible to maximize the Magsafe function of iPhone 13 / iPhone 12 using Magsafe charging with up to 15W output that can be accurately attached with magnetic force.

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MAC お宝鑑定団 blog(羅針盤)の記事をもっと見る

Apple Store、Belkinのスタンド付きMagSafe充電器「BOOST↑CHARGE PRO Portable Wireless Charger Pad with MagSafe Special Edition」を販売開始(Store限定)

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