
Apple TV+work "CODA", the two crowns to the Academy Awards for the National Actor Group Award

By mobilephones 02/07/2022 758 Views



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twitter@iPhoneMania_jp からのツイート2022年2月28日17時15分読了まで 約 2分12秒Apple TVで配信されている(日本を含む一部地域では未配信)映画「CODA(邦題:コーダ あいのうた)」が、アカデミー賞前哨戦の一つとされる全米俳優組合賞(SAG)で最優秀賞を獲得しました。

Expected impressive movements from critics and spectators

2月27日(現地時間)で開催された第28回全米俳優組合賞にて、映画部門の最優秀賞にあたるキャスト賞を「CODA」が獲得しました。また、主人公の父親役を演じたトロイ・コッツァーも助演男優賞を受賞しました。 映画のタイトルとなっている“CODA”は「Children of Deaf Adults(聴覚障がいの大人に育てられた子ども)」の略で、本作品も聾唖(ろうあ)者の家族に育てられた主人公が夢を追うストーリーです。実際に聴覚障がいを持つ俳優を起用した点だけでなく、彼らの演技力や心温まる感動ストーリーが高く評価されており、大手レビューサイトRotten Tomatoesでも、批評家から95%、観客からも93%の支持を受けています。

The award that suppresses the average powerful power is high

The rivals of CODA in SAG were Netflix works such as the Black Comedy "Don Look Up", which was the destruction of the earth, and "Power of the Dog", a director award in Cannes, and the Gucci clan. The "House of Gucci", which is the theme of the house riot, and the "Dream Plan" depicting the father of a legendary tennis player, Williams sisters, are all highly supported by critics and spectators. 。 It can be said that the fact that this work won the cast prize with these powerful players is very significant for Apple, which aims for the Academy Awards. In this SAG, Apple has won the drama category's work award, suppressing Netflix's strong enemy "Ika Game", which became a global hit, even in "Ted Rasso: The Corporation of Bun". However, the strongest in the drama has already been proven, and the next favorite should be a movie. In the Golden Globe Award, which was also nominated for the work award and supporting actor award, "CODA" was unfortunately defeated by "Power of the Dog", but in SAG, it turned into two crowns and once again hit the Academy Awards. I got the result. Source: La Times, Rotten Tomatoes (Kihachi)


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Apple TV+作品「CODA」、全米俳優組合賞で二冠〜アカデミー賞に弾み

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