On June 20, the bridal limited community "maricuru" announced the implementation of a third-party quota to increase capital, which was sponsored by metabolites Ben Chaz, YJ Capital, DG Incubator and so on. The total amount of funds raised is 60 million yen. The leader of the round is West Asia Ben Chaz for generations, and details such as the proportion of funding are not disclosed. Use the funds raised to strengthen development and branding, as well as explore new services that use the bride's SNS to send letters.
In addition, the real community "maricuru park" was established in November last year, and the marriage consultation desk "maricuru consultation desk" was launched in February this year, promoting community-based undertakings.
BRIDGE Members
BRIDGEでは会員制度「BRIDGE Members」を運営しています。会員向けコミュニティ「BRIDGE Tokyo」ではテックニュースやトレンド情報のまとめ、Discord、イベントなどを通じて、スタートアップと読者のみなさんが繋がる場所を提供いたします。登録は無料です。無料メンバー登録