
"Chromecast" is on sale at 2980 yen

By mobilephones 09/06/2022 911 Views
ツイート シェア はてブ LINEで送るコメント 9

"Chromecast", which allows you to display YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, D Anime Store, etc. on TV with simple operations, is greatly reduced.Details are as below.According to a major home appliance store in Tokyo, as of January 9, the third -generation "Chromecast" is sold at 2980 yen, which is more than 2,000 yen cheaper than the regular price.The 3rd generation Chromecast is IEEE802.11 AC (Wi-Fi 5) wireless LAN and 60fps full HD (1920 × 1080) video.The feature is that you can enjoy Netflix and YouTube comfortably even on old TVs that do not support various services using the Internet.

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