It is Mitsuyoshi Saijo, the president.TAIYO MAGIC FILM this performance after a long absence.And it is an important performance that has entered the 10th year of the group.
TAIYO Magic Film has been performing on stage for the last 10 years to give customers joy and hope.However, Corona's evils, people no longer go to the stage, and rather than giving joy and hope, the theater world is becoming darker.Compared to two years ago, 3/4 or more theatrical people have not been able to work.But if someone doesn't stand up,
In this performance this time, a large large deficit appears.To be honest, I want to die if I imagine.Still, I'll try it.Still, I decided to proceed.Now that I want to give customers hope and joy.
I would be happy if you could borrow your help.Your support will be a seed of future activities, leading to a wonderful entertainment future.Thank you for your cooperation.
It features a hint collection story where the puzzle pieces are connected, and a work that condenses all the excitement for those who want to cry, those who want to laugh, and those who want to be surprised, using a script that transcends expectations.。
TAIYO Magic Film This performance "HERO" and "Yurari" have already been filmed, and are now said to be the most vibrant troupe.This year, 2021 will be the 10th anniversary of the theater company.
In the previous performance, "My Seeds 2019", we introduced the first subtitle glasses in the small theater world.I want people with disabilities to enjoy entertainment, but it is difficult for them alone to spend their costs, and the performance was a great success.
And this performance has been canceled and postponed twice due to the expansion of the new colon virus infection.Unexpected costs such as cancellation costs were incurred.However, we want to continue the performance.TAIYO MAGIC FILM In this performance, we would like to have a distribution equipment so that it can be seen by Corona infection prevention measures and those who can not come to the theater, in light of this situation.Therefore, it costs a larger budget than usual.We hope that we will help you to continue the performance, so we decided to challenge crowdfunding.
初演時の「時分自間旅行」 舞台セット
"Home -between -time travel 2021"
How long will people like to like people? If you are so old that you've got older so much that you've got older, if you can live honestly in your feelings that you are older.I'm happy I want to teach myself in the old days I want to apologize to myself I want to deliver to myself I want to love myself now I want to travel to myself
"Yurari 2021"
If you were doing that at that time, if you didn't do that, you would like to live a life without regret if you didn't do it, how happy you are, your parents and tunagari life are a series of regrets.Someday, when a letter comes from God, the story of a warm and painful family that occurs in a certain guest house
Date and time
Ticket 6700 ~ 7200 yen
Please see the homepage for details.
"Home -between -time travel 2021"
Hironori Yamamoto
Fumiko Higashimatsu
Miho Sugimoto
Eiji Horiuchi
Hitoshi Fujii
Haruno Sakiki (W Cast) Saki Hirano (W Cast) Makoto Kinoshita
Asami Shinohara
Yochi Kei
"Yurari 2021"
Momoka Satake
Yoko Tamami
Yuka Saeki
Mikiko Omori
Mica: i.(music)
Director / script
・Hironori Yamamoto
この度、TAIYO MAGIC FILM 10年目の特別公演 時分自間旅行に出演させていただくHironori Yamamotoです。2年前から現在に至るまでコロナ禍の中で舞台をやる事、出演する事に対して前向きになれない自分がいました。 日々過ごす中でファンの方や応援してくださる方々に対して何か出来ないかとずっと考えていました。そんな時今回のお話をいただき、素直にやりたいと思いました。まだまだ、気を抜けない状況ではありますが、演者、制作、そしてお客様すべての皆さんでこの舞台をやってよかったって思える事を祈り頑張っていきたいです!
・Momoka Satake
この度"Yurari 2021"に出演させて頂きます、Momoka Satakeです。今回この舞台に出演出来ると決まった時は嬉しい反面、過去に2回も上演され、多くの方に愛されている作品という事で、少しプレッシャーを感じました。ですが稽古を進めていく事で、どんどん私自身も「ゆらり」という作品に対する愛が深くなっていき、今はこの作品を創り上げていくのがとにかく楽しくて、絶対に良いものを届けたいという一心で稽古に励んでいます。この作品は切なくて温かい家族の物語です。全員がそれぞれを想い、また葛藤を抱えながら生きています。私が演じる高崎凛香もその1人で、苦しみ、後悔しながらも、人生を歩んでいます。でもそんな凛香の生き様こそが、皆さんの心に響くと思いますので、舞台上でしっかりと高崎凛香として生きられる様、西条みつとしさんをはじめ、キャストの皆さんと共に精一杯頑張りたいと思います。そして感動はもちろん、コメディ要素も多く含まれているので、是非そこにも注目してみて下さい。どの年代の方でも笑って泣ける素敵な作品になっているので、1人でも多くの方に見て頂けたら嬉しいです。私にとってもこの役は大きな挑戦ですが、新たな一面をお見せ出来る様に頑張りますので、応援よろしくお願いいたします。皆さんお楽しみに〜!!
・Mikiko Omori
In the world, as a corona, the distribution of theater has increased. I also saw a lot of distributions in the Corona evil. Especially when I saw overseas works, I felt like I got it. I think theater is originally watched live. I also like raw. But I'm still worried and inconvenienced. For those who don't feel free to come to the theater, I would like you to watch this work in distribution. Can you ask for your cooperation for that? When I read the script for "Yurari" for the first time, I thought it was a wonderful script. Any role is fine, so I wanted to appear in this work. This work called "Yurari" is an important work like a treasure for the members of the troupe. This time, when I appear, I would like to take the same role as carefully and carefully. Nice to meet you.
・Yochi Kei
今回店長役で出演するYochi Keiです。今回のこの作品は再演になります。このカンパニーの再演の面白さは演出の西条さん自身、演出のブラッシュアップは勿論の事、この作品のコアになる所をさらに掘り下げ、更に劇的な瞬間をお客様に提供します。何より今回は立ち上げから10年目の記念公演です。期待は高まります。私が参加した時は西条さん1人で何もかもやって作り上げていた作品でした。しかし今や厳選された8人の集団となり、作品のクオリティーをささえています。そして今回の見所のもう一つは初めて劇団員全てが重要な役で参加する事です。これはこれからのカンパニーの新しい船出を意図しています。才能、実力ある布陣を新たに集結し、演劇という枠を超えた表現を提供します。TAIYO MAGIC FILM。これからの10年をスタートさせます。この瞬間をお見逃しなく!『ゆらり2021.Please look forward to the time of your own trip 2021.
・Asami Shinohara
Celebration! TAIYO Magic Film 10th year! In recent years, various things are no longer normal, and there are still many regulations, "Saijo Motori" is a "Saijo Mitsui" and challenging this performance! ! In September, I had a variety of experiences in my life for the first time in my life. Everything is connected at a stretch and the heart is shaken and the lacrimal gland collapses I am without permission! I call it. Those who have never experienced this "time for time"! Please take a look at it for the first time in a long time, please come to that world again! ! The cast staff will be united, and of course we will create works so that everyone can enjoy Corona measures. We, we, thank you for your help that you can stand on a board by having a customer.
Thank you very much for visiting this project!Under the situation of Corona, the performance was canceled in 2020, and the performance was postponed this year, and this year.Casts, staff, and many customers who could not meet.If you think about it, it's just painful and sad.Corona is a disease that loses encounters.I didn't give up even if I was painful to meet people on the stage, and I arrived just before the performance because of the last minute.I met a new cast, a new staff.And I want to meet many customers."I came across a movable work!!I will work hard so that you can think.I don't want to lose to Corona.Thank you for your support and cooperation so that you can deliver "encounters" to as many customers as possible!
・ Hatakeyama Usuke
What is the stage for?The stage is not always necessary.There are many people moving, time and money, and honestly painful to create the stage.But more than that, I think there is an excitement that can not be words and the fun that cannot be tasted in everyday life.So I want to do the stage.I want to see it.Because it is necessary for me.In 2015, I am here at Taiyo Magic Film's "Yurari" in the audience.This time I will finally appear in "Yurari".TAIYO Magic Film 10 years Please come to the theater.
TAIYO MAGIC FILMとして約2年半ぶりの本公演です。昨年コロナが大流行し、6月に予定していた本公演が中止になりました。そして今回は本来なら6月に公演予定でしたが、Decemberに延期になった公演です。舞台公演を出来るのが当たり前じゃなくなり、この2年は役者を続けていけるのかどうかと苦悩する日々が続きました。でも応援してくれる仲間や家族、そして楽しみに待っていてくださっているお客様のために、絶対に成功させたいです!まだ油断できない日々が続きますが、感染対策をしっかりし、舞台に挑みたいです。
The first time I watched the stage of TAIYO Magic Film was the premiere of "Time -Hometown Travel" that appeared this time.Four years ago, I became a member of the organization and participated as a production, watched the stage, and it was a very memorable work for me.There have been many things in the last four years.In recent years, this performance has been canceled due to Corona.We made a difficult decision and this performance two years later.This year, TAIYO MAGIC FILM has been formed for 10 years.When we compared the first year of formation in the first year of elementary school, we became a first -year high school student.I want to have a new scenery with you more than now!!
There were works that were not reached to customers in various forms, such as postponing and canceling performances after all entertainment due to this corona's evil, and the suspension during the actual period.Under such circumstances, we TAIYO Magic Film has reached its 10th year this year.We started to impress the society that continues to fight Corona.We light the entertainment and light the work as desperate as the words desperate to have the theater leave through the work.
・Hitoshi Fujii
"Let me play the stage." I didn't have enough time to stay away from the stage.In the past year, my way of involvement in the stage has changed dramatically.Two years ago, as a guest performance, this time as a member of the theater company, I will remember that it is the beginning of a new life.One year when the world moved greatly, one year when I looked back at myself."Let me play the stage." And I think that it is necessary to feel life because it is a raw and difficult era.
今回、私井上麗夢はTAIYO MAGIC FILMの本公演に初参加となります!そして今年はTAIYO MAGIC FILM10年目!スペシャル本公演、お祭りということですね!そんな記念すべき公演から関われるのはすごく嬉しいです!2年半ぶりの本公演。しかも今回は2作品同時上演!さらにさらにパワーを蓄えてきたTAIYO MAGIC FILMを是非楽しんでいただきたいと思います。どんなに舞台をやるのは厳しいご時世だろうが、私達TAIYO MAGIC FILMはお届けしたい時間があります。お客様と一緒に作り上げたい空間があります。DecemberのTAIYO MAGIC FILMワールドぜひお楽しみに!!私も楽しみ!!!
[Movie] Director / Screenplay "Anonymous End Roll" Screenplay in January 2021 Director / Screenwriter June 2020 Screenwriter "BLANK13" Screenplay: Saito Ko February 2018 Screenplay "Yurari" Screenplay"Kansai Johnny's JR.The birth of a comedy star! "Writer August 2017, etc. [Short film]" HITCH x HOOK "Screenplay
[Movie Award] Screenplay "BLANK13" 3rd Sydney Indy Film Festival Best Screenplay Award winner and scriptwriter "JURI" to Yoyoshi Film Festival 2019 and Yoyoshi Future Award, etc.
【ドラマ】監督・ 脚本「シェフは名探偵」(テレビ東京) 第4話〜7話 脚本 2021年6月〜「あなた犯人じゃありません」(テレビ東京)第5話脚本 2021年1月〜「Soldiers〜慈しむ者たち〜」(dTVチャンネル)第1〜5話脚本 2020年December〜「劇団スフィア」第5話・6話(MX TOKYO ) 監督・脚本 2019年10月〜「面白南極料理人」1〜5話・9話〜12話 脚本 4・5話 監督 (テレビ大阪/テレビ東京) 2019年1月~「ブスだって ILoveYou」脚本(テレビ朝日) 2018年December「○○な人の末路」全10話 脚本(日本テレビ)2018年4月〜「オー・マイ・ジャンプ!」第3・6話 脚本(テレビ東京)2018年1月〜「下北沢ダイハード」第1話 脚本(テレビ東京)2017年年7月 ほか【舞台】演出・ 脚本 80本以上
TAIYO MAGIC FILMメンバーからのお礼メッセージ【画像】プラン<1,000円・メンバーからのお礼メッセージ画像。(TAIYO MAGIC FILM劇団員メンバーからお礼メッセージ画像をお送りいたします。)TAIYO MAGIC FILMメンバーからのお礼【動画】プラン<3,000円・メンバーからお礼動画(TAIYO MAGIC FILM劇団員メンバーからお礼動画をお送りいたします。)TAIYOプランA<10,000円・メンバーからお礼動画・パンフレット一冊・好きなキャストからのお礼メッセージ動画(お好きなキャスト一人をご指定いただき、そのキャストからのお礼メッセージ動画をお送りいたします。)TAIYOプランB 10,000円・メンバーからお礼動画・パンフレット一冊・脚本演出 西条みつとしへのインタビュー&質問できる【12/16の午前10時〜、午後20時〜】(約30分~1時間を予定、人数によって変動あり)。上記指定した時間でのZOOM(グループトーク)にて、直接質問できます。指定時間以外ではお受けできませんのでご了承ください。TAIYO MAGIC FILMプラン<30,000円・メンバーからお礼動画・好きなキャストからのお礼メッセージ動画・好きなキャストからパンフレット サイン入り(一冊、ご支援者様の名前入り)(お好きなキャスト一人をご指定いただき、そのキャストからのお礼メッセージ動画とサイン入りのパンフレットをお渡しします。)・セット美術裏周りツアー映像