This reference is a translated version of the press release issued in Vienna, Austria on November 10, 2021 (local time).
Huawei Japan (Corporate) [November 10, 2021, Vienna, Austria] The 2021 Global Peter Drucker Forum Digital Workshop Day will be held on Wednesday in Vienna, Austria, the governing authority was held at The 13th annual event since 2009 brings together modern management professionals from around the world to discuss "Human Imperative: Navigating Uncertainty in the Digital Age" this year. Sessions included Radoslav Keziah, Vice President, Huawei CEE & Nordics, Professor Toshio Goto, Nihon Keizai University, Moon Jérin, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Vlinder, and Christian Stadler, Warwick Business School. With Professor Stadler, explore the key factors for business development and sustainability.
Press Release >Huawei Japan (Corporate) >Huawei Presents Ideas for Creating Resilience at Global Peter Drucker Forum >