
Samsung may be the first winner of "5G War" | BRIDGE Technology & Startup Information

By mobilephones 10/07/2022 694 Views

Pickup: Samsung Acquires Network Services Provider Teleworld Solutions To Accelerate U.S. 5g Network EXPANSION

News Sumamari: "Samsung Electronics (hereinafter referred to as Samsung)" announced on January 13 that the Network Service Provider "Teleworld Solutions" will be acquired.The purpose of this acquisition is to design, test, and acquire optimization know -how of Teleworld Solutions.Use it for improving SAMSUNG networks to improve services.

Popular point: In Japan, service provision starts from each communication carrier in the spring of 2020.The use of "high -speed communication, low delay, multi -connection", which is not an extension of 4G, has become a hot topic every day.

However, it is around 2024 that can be fully utilized 5G.What starts this year is the function of "high -speed communication".According to a US survey, which is ahead of the 5G service, it should also be considered that cases that can only measure the same speed compared to mature 4G LTEs are reported.In this regard, it is time for Japanese consumers to wait patiently, and for those who plan to develop a 5G business, it is now time of preparation.

However, in the area of base stations for communication carriers to provide 5G, the results of market competition have already begun to appear.

Due to the highly time -consuming properties of base stations, base stations have a high switch cost, so a porning will be determined in anticipation of the final stage where all 5G functions are provided.As a result, businesses are already gradually appearing in the market.

So, using 5G as a chance, the Samsung mentioned this time is trying to grow at a stretch in the area of the base station.

I think few people have the image of a base station in Samsung.In fact, the company has provided base stations from 2G to 4g so far, but only about 5%of the world share.It was separated from Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, and ZTE with 90%share of four companies.

Samsungが「5G戦争」最初の勝者になるかも | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

However, 5G base stations have recorded 37%of market share in surveys from the fourth quarter of 2018 to the first quarter of 2019.In the same period, the 5G was about 5 to 10%, so it was not much reflected in profits, but if Samsung continues to gain momentum, it is safe to secure a market share rate of about 20%.

Factors that make SAMSUNG gain momentum

So what are the causes of Samsung's momentum?It is shown in the figure below for internal factors and external factors.

From now on, we will introduce Samsung's strengths, "Semiconductor's technical skills."

Except for a part of the United States, the frequency band handled at 5G is 2.5 to 39GHz, which is higher than 4G.The higher the frequency, the higher the frequency, the more it will be affected by the outside, and the more difficult it is to reach, so the 5G will narrow the range where base stations can be communicated.It is necessary to increase the number of base stations to cover this point.

The difference in the conventional base station is about 100 times.If you stand on the buying base station, you want to avoid 100 times the cost, so it is natural that you want a little cheaper base station as a trade -off for trust and price.

Samsung can develop a 5G wireless chipset independently.In February 2019, we announced the next generation 5G chipset.The unique tipset can reduce costs in addition to the size and power consumption of the base station required by the communication carrier.This is the result of the technical skills cultivated by Samsung, and it is thought that competitors cannot imitate.

In addition, SAMSUNG also creates terminals (Galaxy S10 5G, Note10 5g, Note10 + 5g) from semiconductors and lead the world.Therefore, it can be said that it is incomparable to competitors in network construction.

Samsung weapons are low and high quality.Through this acquisition of Teleworld Solutions, incorporating companies with strengths in the optimization of existing networks will lead to the winning career and customer trust.

We have already reduced all KT, Sk Telecom, and LGU +in Korea, and have published contracts with US AT & T, SPRINT, Verizon, and KDDI in Japan.In Asia and Europe, where Chinese Huawei and ZTE have a share rate, the results will gradually be seen.

You can see if Samsung can be the first winner of 5G and what kind of 2020s will be created as a company that can realize End-to-end.

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