
What is the relationship between Act Villa and widgets?

By mobilephones 13/10/2022 644 Views
シャープAQUOSに独自の「Yahoo! JAPAN for AQUOS」を採用YouTube対応などを果たしたVIERA「TZシリーズ」テレビ版Yahoo! JAPANに対応した日立「Wooo UT 800」

■ The source of Activila is "Internet TV"


■ Actvilla type is the standard function of "Japanese TV"


パナソニック株式会社 デジタルAVCマーケティング本部 コミュニケーショングループ広報チーム 山口耕平氏
アクトビラのTSUTAYA TVではHD映像のダウンロード配信もスタート

"Even if you use it now, if you are worried, there is no monthly fee or additional investment, so you can use it immediately, so the threshold is very low. It seems like the TV channel has increased. In fact, last year, last year.At the end of the "TSUTAYA TV" users, we had a cashback campaign, but there were more applicants than expected.The Actvilla method is expected to be used for a long time in the future, and it will be attractive for those who want to use TV for a long time. "

■ Why was the TV version Yahoo! JAPAN born?

テレビ版Yahoo! JAPANがスタート。各社のブラウザ搭載デジタルテレビで利用可能に

<4月6日、ヤフー株式会社は、「テレビ版Yahoo! JAPAN」の開始を発表した。これは、前出の「デジタルテレビ ネットワーク仕様」に基づいてカスタマイズされたYahoo! JAPANのサービスである。現状では映像配信システムはもっておらず、検索サービスなどを中核とした情報提供を行なうものだ。最も基本的な仕様を使ったものであるため、アクトビラ ビデオやアクトビラ ビデオ・フルに対応しない、以前のテレビでも利用可能である。

"Currently, there are few webs for TV because there are few users. Considering broadcasting, it is important to create a web environment that can be used on TV. For that, for that, Yahoo! for TV.It is necessary to increase the convenience of users in the form of JAPAN and increase the number of users itself. "

R&D統括本部 プラットフォーム開発本部 EW開発部 坂東部長

■ "Official video distribution for TVs" with huge possibilities

You might think, "Isn't it necessary to delete uploaded things without permission?"But that is not the case.It is very different from putting a video in a state where anyone can copy and "provide as much as possible in a copyright protected form".For example, you can control it only under your own management that you can control, such as "I want to show only one week until the next time".

■ Adoption of "widget" spreading in the United States

1月のCES東芝ブースで展示されたWiget Channel。eBayやCinemaNowなどさまざまなウィジェットを用意CinemaNowのウィジェット

"Of course, we are looking at the movements of the United States, and we are studying. In the United States, the situation will be" will do the Internet in the future "."


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