
This is perfect!How to migrate data to SIM -free version iPhone: SIM

By mobilephones 04/08/2022 573 Views

<9月半ばより販売開始されたiPhone 6とiPhone 6 Plus(以下、6 Plus)。SIMフリー版を購入し、格安SIMを差し込んで、「さぁ楽しもう」としても困るのがデータの移行です。メモリーカードに対応していないiPhoneは、パソコン(iTunes)もしくはクラウド経由でデータ移行する必要があります。

Data migration from iPhone to iPhone

→ Transfer content to new devices from iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch | Apple

Data migration from Android smartphone to iPhone

In the career version of the iPhone, there is a way to migrate data using a dedicated application, but the SIM -free version is not so.

1.When the address book is linked to the Google account


Select Google in "Email/Contact/Calendar"

2.If the address book is not linked to the Google account

For photos, videos, etc., go to "Dropbox" individually


>>> Related link

Is it a cheap SIM for iPhone 6/6 Plus?Total amount comparison for 2 years

Use docomo's cheap MVNO SIM with iPhone 6/6 Plus!

SIM What is "OCN Mobile ONE" that you want to keep in mind when you get a SIM free smartphone?


Related keywords

iPhone | データ移行 | Google | Dropbox | iPhone 6 | SIMロックフリー | iTunes | iCloud | Gmail | 赤外線 | SIM通



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