第1四半期決算の概要(NTT連結)第1四半期決算の概要(NTTドコモ連結)NTTドコモ連結のセグメント別の営業収益と営業利益NTTドコモ連結の利益増減要因。携帯電話料金の値下げに伴う「モバイル通信サービス」の収入減と、各種費用の増加が影響して減益となったというNTTの連結決算の概要を説明するPresident Jun Sawada(中央)
About the price plan including Ahamo
President Jun Sawada
President Sawada
In the first quarter, the sales of mobile phone lines / terminals, mainly Ahamo, were strong.
President Sawada
President Sawada
DOCOMO expects a 250 billion yen per year (≒ a decrease in price income) of 250 billion yen.Among them, 190 billion yen will be filled by the increase in other parts.
President Sawada
About semiconductor deficiency
President Sawada